JobAccess Employment Assistance Fund (EAF)
For the workplace
- The JobAccess Employment Assistance Fund (EAF) provides funding for “Assistive Technology and Workplace Modifications”.
- Please note that the CapTel handset and the captioning service it provides, is categorised as an “Assistive Listening Device” hence it’s eligibility under the above EAF category as the most appropriate solution to your individual lifestyle and health support needs.
- Individuals may also be eligible for an additional CapTel handset and captioning service at home as well as one for their workplace.
- If you have an ongoing disability that has lasted, or persists for at least two years and the disability limits, restricts or impairs your ability to work, then you may be eligible.
- Or if you’re self-employed or have active employment for at least 8 hours per week, and you meet the other EAF Guidelines you may be eligible.
- Please note, once the 24 month period of the CapTel captioning service has finished, other cost effective captioning solutions will be on offer.
- The JobAccess Employment Assistance Fund (EAF) can provide funding for a personal workplace assessment.
- Submit an EAF application online, or ask a friend or your employer to help.
- Or call JobAccess on 1800 464 800 and get an Adviser or Health Care Worker to help you apply.